October, 2 2024

Award for excellence in Health and Safety.

We are pleased to inform you that on October 3rd the UTE formed by Exera Energía, SL. and Dominion I & I Applied Engineering, S.L.U. has been awarded for excellence in Health and Safety in the Operation and Maintenance services of the Thermosolar Plant of Lebrija, owned by Northland Power, Northland, within the international program “Contractor HSE Excellence Award Program”

We take this opportunity to thank the work of the corporate prevention services in the UTE, the commitment of our team in this delegation and our client, Northland Power, for this recognition that serves as motivation to continue working and improving the Health and Safety of all the people in the team of the plant.

At the same event, Northland Power also awarded the work of our Plant Manager, José Manuel Ortega, whose experience and good work in management have been fundamental to obtain these recognitions.



我们很高兴地通知大家,2024年10月3日,由Exera Energía, S.L. 和 Dominion I & I Applied Engineering, S.L.U 组成的联合体(UTE)荣获了 Northland Power ,  #Northland, 旗下 Lebrija 光热电站运营与维护服务领域的安全与健康卓越奖。该奖项属于国际性项目“Contractor HSE Excellence Award Program”的一部分。

我们要特别感谢 UTE 内部的企业预防服务团队、该项目团队的所有成员以及我们的客户 Northland Power 对我们的认可。这一奖项激励着我们继续努力,进一步提升团队在电站内的安全与健康管理水平。

在同一颁奖典礼上,Northland Power 还特别表彰了我们的电站经理 José Manuel Ortega,他凭借丰富的经验和卓越的管理能力,为此次获奖做出了重要贡献。

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