Arcosol and Termesol Plants are owned by Qualitas Energy.

Committed to excellence and innovation in the renewable energy and gas sector

IT Services / ATHENA Planner by Exera

ATHENA Planner
by Exera Energía

ATHENA is a project management software tool that allows the monitoring and detailed planning of activities in various projects. Based on algorithms developed from the experience and knowledge of EXERA's professionals.

Based on a detailed planning divided into project tasks, ATHENA provides more predictive information than standard planning software on the market, such as Primavera or Project. This is achieved by tracking the actual progress and expected slack, providing an accurate view of the status and evolution of the project, thus facilitating decision making.


• Detailed Monitoring and Planning: Based on a detailed planning process divided into project tasks, ATHENA outperforms standard market programs such as Primavera or Project by providing a more accurate view of the project's status and progress.

• Advanced Algorithms: Uses algorithms developed from the extensive experience and knowledge of EXERA professionals.

Predictive Information: Provides more predictive information by tracking actual progress and projected slack, facilitating informed decision-making.

Transform Your
Project Management

ATHENA by Exera Energía is a complete solution for project management and monitoring, facilitating the identification and management of deviations in the planning and execution of activities. With ATHENA, you can ensure your project stays on track and achieves its goals efficiently and effectively.

Functionalities ATHENA
by Exera Energía

ATHENA by Exera Energía allows companies to manage their activities efficiently and accurately, guaranteeing compliance with deadlines and quality in execution.

ATHENA measures the time deviation from the initial planning and evaluates the criticality, indicating the days available before affecting the critical path of the project. Compares the percentage of theoretical and actual progress reported, identifying and correcting deviations in a timely manner.

Generates detailed reports with key information on activities, such as codes, names, planned start and finish dates, duration, slack and deviations. Uses visual monitoring with colours and symbols to indicate alarms and significant deviations, facilitating quick identification of problems and effective decision making.

It compares planned dates and durations with actuals to identify deviations and calculates the slack available for each activity, enabling efficient management of project resources and time. This capability is crucial to keep the project on track and ensure deadlines are met.

It generates visual alerts and automatic notifications for activities with critical deviations or non-compliant progress, keeping the team informed and enabling rapid implementation of corrective actions to ensure project continuity and success of the project.

Advantages ATHENA
by Exera Energía

• Accurate Vision: Provides an accurate view of the project status, facilitating early identification of problems and implementation of solutions.

Operational Efficiency: Improves operational efficiency by providing key data for strategic decision making.

• Adaptability: Ideal for a variety of projects, including photovoltaic, wind, biomass and biogas.

Use Cases:
• Photovoltaic Projects
• Wind Projects
• Biomass Projects
• Biogas Projects
• Any project that requires planning, monitoring and control of tasks

Our innovation and technological excellence
are reflected in a range of advanced software
solutions that optimize the management,
operation and maintenance of energy
facilities and industrial processes.


Arcosol 和 Termesol 电站的业主为 Qualitas Energy。


IT服务/Exera Energía开发的ATHENA Planner

Exera Energía开发的
ATHENA Planner

ATHENA 是一个项目管理软件工具,允许监控和详细规划各种项目中的活动。基于根据 EXERA 专业人员的经验和知识开发的算法。

基于划分为项目任务的详细规划,ATHENEA 提供比市场上的标准规划程序(如 Primavera 或 Project)更多的预测信息。这是通过监控实际进度和预期许可来实现的,提供项目状态和演变的准确视图,从而促进决策。



• 详细的监控和规划:基于划分为项目任务的详细规划,ATHENA 通过提供更准确的项目状态和演变视图,优于 Primavera 或 Project 等标准市场计划。

• 高级算法:它使用根据 EXERA 专业人员的丰富经验和知识开发的算法。

• 预测信息:通过监控实际进度和预期许可来提供更多预测信息,从而更轻松地做出明智的决策。


Exera Energía 的 ATHENA 是一个完整的项目管理和监控解决方案,有助于识别和管理活动规划和执行中的偏差。与 ATHENA 合作,您可以确保您的项目保持正轨并高效地实现其目标。

Exera Energía 的 ATHENA 功能

Exera Energía 的 ATHENA 使公司能够有效、准确地管理其活动,保证按时完成任务和执行质量。

ATHENA 测量与初始规划的时间偏差并评估关键性,指出在影响项目的关键路径之前的可用天数。将理论进度的百分比与报告的实际进度进行比较,及时发现并纠正偏差。




Exera Energía ATHENA 的优势

• 准确的愿景:提供项目状态的准确视图,有助于及早发现问题并实施解决方案。

• 运营效率:通过为战略决策提供关键数据来提高运营效率。

• 适应性:适用于各种项目,包括光伏、风能、生物质能和沼气。

• 光伏项目
• 风电项目
• 生物质项目
• 沼气项目
• 任何需要规划、跟踪和任务控制的项目


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