Arcosol and Termesol Plants are owned by Qualitas Energy.

Committed to excellence and innovation in the renewable energy and gas sector

IT Services / DelfOS by Exera Energía

by Exera Energía

DelfOS by Exera Energía is an advanced preventive maintenance tool designed to optimise the performance and reliability of your facilities. Based on Big Data and Machine Learning processes, DelfOS allows you to anticipate potential failures through intuitive graphical tools and the generation of accurate indicators from the data collected by the plant's control system.


Preventive and Corrective Maintenance DelfOS provides a vision of the status of the critical elements of the installation based on KPIs that unify the main operating parameters of each device, making it possible to anticipate possible failures before they occur.

Big Data y Machine Learning: Uses advanced algorithms and analysis of large volumes of data to identify patterns and predict faults in advance.

Performance Optimisation: Helps to avoid machine downtime and forced plant stoppages, ensuring continuous and efficient operation.

Discover More

For more information on how DelfOS by Exera Energía can transform preventive maintenance at your facility, don't hesitate to contact us.

Advantages of e DelfOS
by Exera Energía

Fault Anticipation: Identifies potential problems before they become failures, enabling timely intervention.

Operational Efficiency: Improves operational efficiency by reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Complete Visibility: Provides a comprehensive view of equipment and system performance, facilitating monitoring and control.

Customization:: Adaptable to the specific needs of each plant, allowing customised configurations for precise monitoring and control.

How DelfOS by Exera
Energía Works

Data collection: DelfOS continuously collects data from the plant control system.

Data Analysis: It uses Machine Learning algorithms to analyse the data and detect operating patterns.

Indicator Generation: Creates graphical indicators that show the status of the equipment and warn of possible failures.

Preventive Intervention: Allows interventions to be planned before problems become breakdowns, thus ensuring operational continuity.

DelfOS by Exera
Energía applications

DelfOS is ideal for any facility looking to improve its preventive maintenance and optimise the performance of its equipment by maximising its availability.

Today it is especially useful in solar thermal plants, where reliability and efficiency are crucial.

Our innovation and technological excellence
are reflected in a range of advanced software
solutions that optimize the management,
operation and maintenance of energy
facilities and industrial processes.


Arcosol 和 Termesol 电站的业主为 Qualitas Energy。


IT 服务/ Exera Energía开发的DelfOS

Exera Energía的 DelfOS

Exera Energía 的 DelfOS 是一种先进的预防性维护工具,旨在优化设施的性能和可靠性。DelfOS 基于大数据和机器学习流程,允许您通过直观的图形工具预测可能的故障,并从工厂控制系统收集的数据中生成准确的指标。


• 预防性维护:DelfOS 根据 KPI 提供安装关键元件的状态视图,这些 KPI 统一了每个设备的主要运行参数,从而可以在故障发生之前预测可能的故障。

• 大数据和机器学习:它使用先进的算法和对大量数据的分析来识别模式并提前预测故障。

• 直观的图形指标:以统计和图形方式呈现数据,便于解释和决策。

• 性能优化:有助于避免机器不可用和工厂强制停机,确保连续高效的运行。


要了解有关 Exera Energía 的 DelfOS 如何改变您设施的预防性维护的更多信息,请随时与我们联系。

Exera Energía 的 DelfOS 优势

• 故障预测:在潜在问题发生故障之前识别它们,以便及时干预。

• 运营效率:通过减少停机时间和维护成本来提高运营效率。

• 完全可见性:提供设备和系统性能的全面视图,使其易于监控和控制。

• 定制:适应每个工厂的特定需求,允许定制配置以实现精确的机动化。

Exera Energía 的
DelfOS 的工作原理

• 数据收集:DelfOS 持续从工厂的控制系统收集数据。

• 数据分析:使用机器学习算法来分析数据并检测操作模式。

• 生成指标:创建图形指标,显示设备状态并提醒可能的故障。

• 预防性干预:它允许在问题成为故障之前计划干预,从而确保运营的连续性。

Exera Energía 的 DelfOS 应用

DelfOS 非常适合任何希望通过最大限度地提高可用性来改进预防性维护和优化设备性能的设施。



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